Pre-Hospital & Acute Care

Acute stroke care refers to the key interventions involved in the assessment, treatment or management, and early recovery in the first hours and days after stroke onset.

Prehospital care, assessment and stabilization is provided by Emergency Medical Services, who transport the patient to a stroke centre.

Emergency Department care includes initial diagnostic procedures that identify the nature and mechanism of stroke, and acute stroke treatment.

Acute inpatient care is provided by an interdisciplinary team, to prevent complications and promote early recovery, develop an individualized secondary prevention plan, and engage with the stroke survivor and family to assess and plan for transition to the next level of care.

A coordinated and seamless system of acute stroke care is emphasized in our region that optimizes recovery and patient outcomes through initiatives collaborating with Emergency Medical System, emergency departments, telestroke sites, and nursing stations.

Driving evidence-based stroke care to achieve optimal patient outcomes and quality of care

NWORSN optimizes the stroke system in Pre-Hospital & Acute Care

Northern Ontario presents unique challenges for stroke care due to its vast geographical expanse and limited resources.

The NWORSN team addresses these challenges by collaborating with all stakeholders involved in a patient's stroke journey, developing optimized pathways to enhance the stroke care system across the region.

This approach ensures that despite the geographical constraints, patients can receive the best possible care through coordinated efforts and innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of Northern Ontario.

First Responder Stroke Training

NWO Navigate Application

Telestroke Sites

Community Paramedicine

NWO Acute Stroke Protocols