NWO Navigate

Geomapping Patient Care in Northwestern Ontario

An App for Navigating Stroke Care

In the north, limited resources, dispersed geography, multiple transport and communication channels make stroke systems complex

This interactive support tool, NWO Navigate can assist you in making stroke care decisions

Customized and adapted to meet the needs of the Northern clinician

Download the App!

Available FREE on Android and iOS Devices and the Web

Apple QR Code


Provides information to assist decision making when navigating the patient to advanced stroke care

Suggests fastest routing, most appropriate access diagnostic/ treatment sites, maps and next steps for assessment and treatment opportunities


Historical and estimated travel times and locations

Implements direct transportation agreements

38+ Stroke and TIA regional pathways

Stroke best practices integrated

Interactive map of sites and services across the region

Combines all acute protocols, processes and resources in one impactful tool


Physicians and nurses working in acute stroke within Health Institutions

Timely Stroke Treatment in Northern Ontario

Innovating Digital Health Solutions (IDHS)

Read the press release from OCI on June 27, 2024 and watch the promotion video to learn more about how NWO Navigate participated in a digital health solution initiative. NWO Navigate was one of 13 funded projects that support Ontario’s health system priorities.


To develop a functional geomapping system to get patients with stroke to the appropriate level of care in the shortest time frame

This research project could not have been possible without the support from NOAMA - Northern Ontario Academic Medicine Association Clinical Innovations Opportunity Fund


Collaboration between data scientists, clinicians and dedicated professionals from various institutions

Representation from Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute, ORNGE, Northwestern Ontario Emergency Medical Services and Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre




This app is not intended to replace the clinical judgement of health care professionals or replace medical advice or transportation systems to make a clinical diagnosis or treatment decision regarding an individual patient.